

My small scale hyper realistic figurative sculptures are a product of both obsession and compulsion. I obsess until I am compelled to create, I create until the obsession transitions. However, the process of obsession and compulsion never abates, it merely relocates. It is a process by which I attempt to achieve clarity of things around me and within me. I have always felt the need to do so even as a child.

The infant dominates my current work, whether it be a commentary on its status in society (as a commodity) or an exploration of aesthetics, I have continued to sculpt babies since before the birth of my first daughter. After her birth my obsession focused almost exclusively upon babies. She was the first newly born human that I had encountered in my life and the nature of her form permanently imprinted upon me. They are a thing created to live within the womb and before the transition that takes place in the first hour post partum, they are a creature completely alien to this world. This constant remaking and adaptation fascinates. They are a precious kind of Magic.


My artwork at the Laundromat gallery in the Kimberley platzl and online at www.artgallerykimberley.com

as well as through my online Etsy store

If you would like to contact me directly please email me at kylarichards@gmail.com.

Blue skies,
