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Tag Archives: sculpture
Feature article in Go Kimberley Magazine!
Exciting! The Kimberley tourist magazine www.gokimberley.com has done an 2 page spread on me in their spring issue! you can access the article by clicking on the following link! http://issuu.com/gokimberley/docs/go_kimberley_magazine_-_issue_26/29?e=2477625/7234647 Fabulous photography Frida! http://www.fridaviklund.com/ Thank you so much!
Posted in Main page
Tagged angels, dobby, fantasy, fantasy artwork, fantasy sculpture, go kimberley, harry potter, kimberley, kimberley bc, kyla richards, making angels, sculpture, the identity tree
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Hurray for house elves!
Posted in Main page
Tagged dobby, fantasy, harry potter, house elf, kreacher, kyla richards, one of a kind, ooak, sculpture
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The first day of the Edmonton Expo has been totally awesome! Here are a few pics!
Posted in Main page
Tagged art, edmonton expo, ewok, fantasy, fantasy art, one of a kind, ooak, sculpture
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Edmonton Expo 2013!
The Edmonton Expo is coming up and I can’t wait! Here is a sneak peak of one of the sculptures that I will have with me.